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  • I enjoyed Pan Turbulence so much and also seeing the children of all countries getting involved with playing the Pan..that I do believe that if schools incorporated Steel Band music into their curriculum that children would be able to express themselves through this medium. This might even reduce bullying and other sorts of crimes that are constantly attributed to the their time would be taken up with another sort of gift........they have music inside themselves and need some sort of avenue to follow..and from the musical introduction of Pan...they would find an eclectic mix.......if people who were confined could find the freedom of expression within their music then the children of today...could perhaps as well.....Music is the best way to express one's feelings and find personal freedom or become unchained........IMHO.....x
  • YES!!!' pan' creates turbulence ....'nothing can hold WE back!!' 'how beautiful are the feet of the messenger on the mountain when (there) are good tidings' Isiah

    x x x

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