T&T Fire Services and San Juan East Side Symphony topped the National Panorama Single Pan Bands Preliminaries with 269 points.
The latter is the defending champion.
T&T Fire Services played the Aldwyn Roberts’ composition “Fever” arranged by Terrance BJ Marcelle with San Juan East Side Symphony under the baton of Duvone Stewart played Ronnie Mc Intosh’s “Shaking It”.
In third spot was Marsicans with Alphonus Cassell’s (Arrow) Long Time. They scored 268 points.
Fourth placed was T&T Defence Force with 267 points for their rendition of Christopher Herbert’s “This Party Is It”. Their piece was arranged by Sheldon Peters and Kion Robinson.
There were several two, three and four-way ties among the qualifiers. At the end of the exercise, thirty three (33) bands made it to the Semi Finals which is carded for the Queen’s Park Savannah, Port of Spain, on Saturday January 31st 2015. Small Bands will also have their semi final round on the same day. Starting time is 12 noon. Admission is $100. Grand Stand only.
A total of seventy (70) Single Pan Bands performed their tune of choice before the panel of judges over a period of four (4) days at zonal venues in Trinidad & Tobago.
Three Tobago based bands are in the running ie Hope Pan Groovers, New Vision, and Metro Stars.
Representatives of each of the participating bands were invited to witness the opening of the score sheets earlier today at City Hall Auditorium, Port of Spain.
Click to see list of the semi-finalists