
Beverly Ramsey-Moore came to the presidency of Pan Trinbago three years ago amid much fanfare as the steelband body’s first woman president.

She sailed into the position declaring that her mission was to restore trust and confidence within the pan fraternity following the debacle of a predecessor administration dogged by management confusion and allegations of financial impropriety.

As her term comes to its constitutional end this month, trust and confidence are two elements in short supply in Ramsey-Moore’s stewardship, now convulsed by resignations, public airings of complaints about her leadership, and anger over delaying the elections..

...With three weeks still left for holding elections, Pan Trinbago and the steelband fraternity should focus their energies on developing a solution to ensure the election is held within the constitutionally due period.

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  • Agree with George Rampersad's take. Please, Pan fraternity members, show the power you have to stop  injustice in this institution of Pan. .

  • If all steelbands renounced their membership of PT "indefinitely", would the governmnt pay salaries to an executive of an organization without members? 

    We, the panmen and women do not know the power we have by "voting with our feet" - walking away.

    Nobody can exploit you if you are not a part of the "structure" that is doing the exploiting.

    Go home. Stay home. Wait.

    When the time is right, form a Union of T&T Atristes with the musicians, dancers, singers, storytellers, poets etc. that that caters to the needs of, and seeks the interest of, the artiste. 

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