1966 Steelband Music Festival - Speeches

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Listen to the historical speeches and winners announcement from the 1966 Steelband Music Festival. -- posted by Clive Seebaran

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  • Since then, where did the steel orchestras go? I think they went to Panorama.

  • I heard Band #5, was the winner but i did not hear the name of Band #5! What was the name of the Band?

  • This was my farewell festival and was thrilled to watch you on stage with the Stars. Of course I was biased but was vindicated with the end result. The best ever and historically memorable.
    Your Bro.
  • PAT Thanks for this post I was in England and missed this one.


  • Great information. City Syncopators Steel Orchestra out played North Stars with the tune of choice. But, North Stars won with the test piece. It was a historical night. I was honored to be there.
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