1989 Panorama

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DESPERADOES - Baron's "Somebody" - Panorama Finals 1989 arranged by Robbie Greenidge RENEGADES -Baron's "Somebody" arranged by Jit Samaroo (1989) CORDETTES - Len "Boogsie" Sharpe's "Toronto, Toronto" arranged by Jit Samaroo(1989) PHASE II PAN GROOVE - Len "Boogsie Sharpe's " Fire Down Below" (1989) Fonclaire - Len"Boogsie" Sharpe's "Fire Down Below" arranged by Ken "Professor" Philmore (1989) EXODUS STEEL ORCHESTRA - "One More Officer" arranged by Pelham Goddard(1989) PAMBERI STEEL ORCHESTRA - "Posse" arranged by Godwin Bowen (1989) Panasonic Connection Steel Orchestra - "Champ" arranged by Ken"Professor" Philmore {1989)

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  • One of the truly great arrangements of that or any other era. Renegages came into the Panorama finals of 1989 as a dark horse. They gave a really great performance playing at the number 1 position. Guess what, to no one's surprise, they won that year's ffinals. 

  • Great Panorama finals but i am missing one of the better musiacal tunes of that year "Life's too short" arranged by Ray Holman and performed by Trintoc Invaders steel Orch.

  • There is a great need for this type of material both for our youth and for the historical benefit of this great instrument.

  • I played with Renegades,Somebody 1989. Battled Kerns and Shelly in Phase II with Fire Down Below. What a great year it was!

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