Angostura Starlift Steel Orchestra - Handel's "For Unto Us A Child Is Born"

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From the Trinidad & Tobago Music Festival Vol. III "Finals"The flawless performances of intricate classical pieces at The Steelband Music Festival of 1966 proclaimed beyond a doubt that the steelband had arrived on the world music scene as a complete musical orchestra, capable of interpreting any type of music, including the music of the classical masters.I remember being in the audience on this night in Queens Hall, Port of Spain, and , like the appreciative audience, being enraptured by the outstanding musical performances.One such piece was the Angostura Starlift's interpretation of a selection from George Frederic Handel's masterpiece, "The Messiah".Here is The Angostura Starlift and Handel's " For Unto Us A Child Is Born".

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  • I was there.

    Goose pimples!

    The bands there were all winners!

    However, Starlift and North Stars were exceptional.

  • Thanks G

     I was in the audience when my brother was playing tenor with North Stars and they won.

    All the music were exceptional and I still enjoy it today

  • Thanks a lot, that was enjoyable.  Do you have Volume I and if you do can you please do us the honors. Thanks!

  • ... oh , and Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year to all of you!

    from Marysville & Triangle Community Steelbands,

    Victoria, Australia

  • Thank you, Glenroy, for sharing - a real Xmas pressie!

  • Thanks for the post, Glenroy ... I think that year [1966], Despers were triple crown winners (with Melda [Panorama], Czardas [Bomb] and Eine Kleine Nachmusik [classic]).

    My only problem with Goddard's  whole diatribe about  steelband proving itself by being able to execute the European classics is the apparent need for validation from outside, an attitude that still exists today in the minds of some (even Trinidadians).

  • Nice.  Thanks.

  • Old school pan at its greatest point.

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