Annie I'm Not Your Daddy - studio version - Kid Creole And The Coconuts

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Annie, I'm Not Your Daddy. Kid Creole and the Coconuts, Check Pan at 1:02 I still feel the exact same way. As I said, it’s because I’m not a purist, because I’m not good enough to be a purist. I don’t understand reggae like the reggae guys do. I like it: I like that the bass is hitting on the off-beat and the bass drum is hitting here. I can dissect it and tell you what it is, but I can’t do it like they do it – so I don’t want to. I want to borrow from it and take it to the next level, which is what ‘Annie, I’m Not Your Daddy’ did, borrow from Lord Kitchener and Mighty Sparrow. -- August Darnell (Kid Creole) -- Take listen to the Big Band version

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