Annie, I'm Not Your Daddy - Kid Creole and the Coconuts @ Nokia Night of the Proms

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Annie, I'm Not Your Daddy. Kid Creole and the Coconuts, I still feel the exact same way. As I said, it’s because I’m not a purist, because I’m not good enough to be a purist. I don’t understand reggae like the reggae guys do. I like it: I like that the bass is hitting on the off-beat and the bass drum is hitting here. I can dissect it and tell you what it is, but I can’t do it like they do it – so I don’t want to. I want to borrow from it and take it to the next level, which is what ‘Annie, I’m Not Your Daddy’ did, borrow from Lord Kitchener and Mighty Sparrow. -- August Darnell (Kid Creole)

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  • @Jeff Medina check out the Pan at 2:11

  • The studio version -

  • Wow very impressive down right amazing if You ask me. What an orchestra playing a serious Caiso! Not one synthesizer on stage Mega Horn Section - Strings and every thing else. That's the way it is if We don't run with our Culture someone else will. Same thing with Reggaeton which people think come from Mexico and Dance Hall reggae it's all Caiso. We have to Wake up and get a move on! Take back that which is ours and make some Progress. I remember when Freddy Harris was the Guitar Player for Kid Creole ---- that's where the inspiration for this came from!

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