Ansel Wyatt Combo "Cry me A River"

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This one is for all those old timers who remember the days of our youth when Ansel Wyatt used to " mash up de place" with his guitar and combo in dances and parties throughout the Caribbean.Feel free to take a lil wine with the rhythm if you still can !

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  • GRJ . I would like any version of the music from this renowned Combo . It's just that I knew some of the guys so seeing a pic of them back then would surely bring fond memories . Thanks .

  • What's the matter, Steve, don't you like the new "heftier" version of Ansel? :)

    BTW, guitarist Steve is still around playing music, and he has several videos posted on youtube under the name "Syntevoxe".

    Check him out!

  • Could someone please post a Pic of Ansel Wyatt combo from those days . I remember Steve Khan and Georgie were part of this great combo . Thanks .

  • Those were the days; all we are missing now is Hazel Ward introducing the band(combo) on Teen Dance Party.

  • Hello Glenroy  Could you find an old Moonrakers Combo record and play it for me. It was the days of Esquires Combo and Silver Strings.. Courtney Leiba, Australia

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