Ave Maria(bach/gounod)revised version played by Bede Lopez
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For the Lent Season of 2015
This Ave Maria by Bach/Gounod is one of the sweetest there is,
Very beautiful Bede. That is one of my favorite pieces of music. Well done.
Very nicely done, Bebe Lopez. Bravo.
Beautiful rendition Mr. Lopez.! As a member of the Cultural Academy for Excellence, a local Washington pan school, which I'm I sure you're familiar with, (and in fact you traveled with us years ago to attend the World Steelpan Festival in N.Y.) we'd love to have you visit our school and chat with our students sometime, at your pleasure and convenience. All the best!
I like this one, Bede. Not bad, for an old timer!
Thank you Pat, I am located in Washington, DC, I don't play publicly anymore unless it's for someone's Wedding or Funeral that I know personally. Send me your address to my inbox and I will send u a CD with 2 Ave Maria's (Schubert and Bach) that are repeated 4 or 6 times that u can used as background in your Church or what ever. It will also have my Signature as a keepsake, lol
Congratulations, Mr. Lopez! I am extremely moved by your rendition of this beautiful hymn! I am a Cantor for my Church & THIS is the most requested hymn by far. This version, Bach/Gounod, is & has been a Family favourite for generations!!!! In what part of the world are U? It would be an incredible Blessing to be able to minister this hymn together! May God continue to bless the work of your hands. Peace of The Risen Christ be with U & your Family! @>---
thks, Aldwyn, yes, it is a bertie marshall style DOUBLE TENOR. this is a very old pan, it has 29 notes, 13 on the left and 16 on the right and also it does not have a low F#
hi Mr lopez
I will like to know if that pair of pans are double seconds or double tennors
the tone sounds like one of bertie marshalls style double tennors is it ?
nice tone