"Bahia Girl" by David Rudder (Calypso Monarch 1986)

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Dimanche Gras, Port of Spain ,Trinidad, 1986.David Rudder's winning of the calypso monarch title cemented his position with the calypso greats.Here is one of his winning performances from that night."Bahia Girl"Posted in October, 2008 this is my second most popular video, having been watched 34,709 times by viewers in dozens of countries around the world.

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  • my all-time favorite!! 


  • Thanks Glenroy.  First time I have SEEN this...after hearing it for so many years !


  • Glenroy, thank you so very much for this video. This is the second time that I am seeing this, the first being on Dimanche Gras 1986. Do you also have "The Hammer" from Dimanche Gras 1986.

    Excellent man! just excellent! Great Stuff.


  • Love it!!!  Thank you.

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