Boston Metro Steel Orchestra at Broolkyn J'ouvert, Labor Day 2012

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On Labor Day 2012 in Brooklyn, New York, I hung out with my friends in Boston Metro Steel Orchestra.I liked the sound of this little band from Boston, which reminded me of the classic traditional sound of "pan on de road".Here is a sample of their sound,Their band leader and arranger is Glen Gabriel.(I didn't get any of the New York bands, but I have to believe that some New York pan people must have recorded their favorite bands "on de road", Right? )

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  • Nice one Glenroy

  • These guys traveled all the way from Boston to participate in the J'ouvert, but they were shut down by police before they got a chance to be heard by most of the fans, or by the judges.

    The usual confusion with the police.

    Not good.

    Another example as to why the Trinidad Carnival has a built in advantage over all the other Carnivals in the Caribbean diaspora, if only they would fully exploit it.

  • Let's hear it for our Boston Metro for the effort to participate in New York j'ouvert. Go Glen

  •  "Pan on de road".Yes,thats good things with Hot-Sound & feelin....

  • You're welcome, Reynold.( My friend, bassman Picket's son, right?)

  • I like to thank Glenroy for giving us this oppounity to be seen! Metro thank you!
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