Casablanca - 1812 Overture

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Steelband Music Festival 1982 winners...conductor Anthony Prospect

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  • Greetings: This rendition of the 1812 Overture is an astounding and remarkable  masterpiece

     Give thanks. Dr. Lance Seunarine

  • Beautiful, Incredible, A Pcicasso on Steel

  • These Steelpans are perfectly tuned,,, makkes me remember the Guyana Chronicle Symphony Steel Orchestra,,Arranger at the then time Desmond Frasier,,,Tuner Gillian,,,and Leader Rudy Bishop ,,,known as Boysieit would be a pleasure to kwow the name of this tuner,,THIS   IS  PAN,,,LET IT BE KNOWN THE WORLD OVER,,,THE  GOD  GIVEN GIFT OF  T&T,,

  • Thanks ODW. This Casablanca performance of 1812 Overture is a masterpiece of classical music by Pan Orchestra. I blast it every July the sounds of fireworks and church bells near the climax.



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