CASYM Steel Orchestra "Fantastic Friday" - Tempo Version - Basement Yard Recordings 2013

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CASYM Steel Orchestra performs "Fantastic Friday" as Basement Recordings captures their performance - as part of the NY PanYard Recording series one day before the annual New York Panorama steel orchestra competition. The arranger is Duvone Stewart. Their instruments are tuned by Andy Neils. And their captain is Travis Roberts. CASYM went on to win prestigious title of undisputed 2013 New York Panorama champions. The steel orchestra took the stage at the competition with 100 players. The Basement yard recordings are made with the purpose of allowing the listener to hear and feel the power of the New York steel orchestras, along with the sonic clarity, musical sophistication and the rhythmic complexity and genius of the all percussive engine room. The recordings were done using Basement's distinct in-house "box and one" technique. CASYM is celebrating its 30th year of existence. The franchise is one of the bed-rock institutions of the New York steelpan movement. click to listen to cool-down version click for more info

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