Chalkdust "Caribbean Woman Fat"

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I've noticed that my Trini friends seem to be obsessed with eating, since most of the posts on Trini Facebook pages seem to be pictures of food.I cannot deny that I'm a lover of good food , and I'm no stick figure myself.So in the spirit of good eating, here is the Mighty Chalkdust's contribution from his 2004 album "Nice & Sweet", where he claims that " Caribbean gyul fat , fat , fat".This also happens to be a good old fashioned Pan tune, the type of tune that would have been played on the road in the old days.

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  • Good tune nice tempo
    Good calypso is hidden,
    First time hearing it.
  • This is real calypso! Correct instrumentation, rhythm and pace, together with social comment.

    Great, worthy of the 'World music' place

  • A Musical Shake for Health!

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