"Chip n' Jump Carnival"- Live Steelband Parade Trinidad Carnival 1960

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From the 1962 RCA album. "Chip n' Jump Carnival", here is a taste of steelbands on the road on Carnival day, 1960.The steelband parade features North Stars Steel Orchestra playing Sparrow's "May May", Savoys Steel Orchestra with- "Cute Chick", and Ebonites Steel Orchestra with an arrangement of Friedrich "Fritz" Kreisler's "Liebesfreud"....

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  • You can actually hear the melodies, backed up by a well synchronised rhythm section

    of iron, second pan & bass. Unlike today's 'bradam-bradam' overarranged noises.

  • Here is another of those live Carnival day steelband recordings, this one from 1960. Check the popular Ebonites arrangement of "Liebesfreud".

  • wow  THANKS AGAIN FOR SHARING.  My life has been so enriched by all that you have shared.

  • Thanks Glenroy for bring back some fond memories of the Steel Pan from the 60s

  • Glenroy this is a part of the History of T&T,,it would be beautiful if such pans can be founded and or reproduced  with an exhibition being given.,keep up your good work,,respect,God Bless.

  • Yes Ian, May May was the 1960 road march.

  • Thank you, Ian. Then the parade was Carnival 1960.

  • It's so refreshing to hear steel band music when bands could have been distinguished by their unique sound unlike now. I rememder standing at the corner of Gatacre St and Tragarete Rd and being able to distinguish the different bands coming out of the west. Invaders' Starlift, Blue Stars, Cross Fire, Pan Am, West SIde Symphony, Sun Valley, Symphonettes,Tripoli, Third World and even Kool and the Gang

  • The RCA album is dated 1962, but I'm pretty sure that this was earlier since, I believe that Sparrow's May May was a hit in the late fifties, and back then bands only played current calypsoes.

    Also by '62 I think the bands were more powerful.

    I'll have to check it out, but I'm sure someone knows and will correct me :)

  • Glenroy, nice hearing pan on carnival day before our independence. This album may have been made in 1962, but wasn't "May May" the roadmarch for (1960)? 

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