Christmas Time is Here - from " A Charlie Brown Christmas " featuring Errol Phillips

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Errol Phillips is an extremely talented Trinidadian from Woodbrook who is practically a neighbor , since he lives nearby in Manchester , New Hampshire.A former Starlift player, this versatile multi instrument musician masters the bass, guitar, keyboards , and particularly the the tenor pan.This beautiful Caribbean flavored version of Vince Guaraldi 'Christmas Time is Here' from A Charlie Brown Christmas demonstrates the superb skills and versatility of this talented musician who I think deserves recognition.As a Christmas gift to you all , I invite my friends to check this one out .You'll be very impressed , and I guarantee you'll enjoy it.

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  • This is becoming one of my favorite Christmas videos , since Errol is a friend and lives nearby in Manchester, but especialy because it is also a sweet piece of pan music.

    Season's Greetings , my friends.

  • I always liked this Vince Guaraldi piece and especially love this version. Very nice Errol Phillips.

  • Merry Christmas ,my dear friends.
    I visited with my friend Errol Phillips a couple days ago , and even played a little pan with him - he owns a range of pans - , for the first time in decades.
    He is an extremely talented musician from Woodbrook , Trinidad who is practically a neighbor , since he lives nearby in Manchester , New Hampshire

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