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In 1962, American R&B singer Brook Benton, who was extremely popular in T$T at the time, had a major hit with "Still Waters Run Deep".Also popular at that time was the Brazilian "Bossa Nova" beat..This calypso tempo version of the hit song by the Clarence Curvan Band had a driving bossa nova beat, and was an almost automatic hit.i should also mention that the keyboard soloist , who was also the band's arranger was noted ( panorama winning) steel band arranger Beverly Griffith.This sweet arrangement certainly brings back memories of that era ,and it still makes one want to dance, even today.

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  • Thank you so very much Glenroy for bringing these wonderful songs to us on Pan Times/WST. I love listening to some of his music on You Tube.

    Have the LPs which Clarence Curvan produced been converted to CDs?. Please advise.

    On another matter, do you have any  music from The Bonaparte Bros. to share with us?

    I remember dancing to Clarence Curvan, Bonaparte Bros, Joey Lewis, Ray Sylvester etc during the mid sixties when I was in my mid to late teens.

    Thank you in advance Glenroy 

  • Clarence curvan came on the musical scene with a Chet Atkins, Country guitarist, composition Teensville n 1960

    The guitarist at that time was Darling Brown. Things really started to happen when Ron Berridge came on board to arrange the horns. along with Freddie Harris on guitar. The 2nd LP Greatest sound around, recorded late in 1962, is testimony to the new sound.The third LP The Artiste, wasn't nearly as good.By that time Freddie was replaced by Les Sargeant's brother, 1965-66 a few members were on their way to New York. Those who stayed formed the base of Ron's band.When Ron left also for New York late in the 60s,Sparrow's Troubadours was formed from the rest who stayed.   From humble beginnings..... .

  • Those wre the good old days. Even though there uses to be fight in fetes, nobody bothered you,if you were not a Bad John.

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