Clarence Curvan Orchestra: Lord Kitchener's "Mama Dis is Mas"

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I've always loved this Beverly Griffith arrangement of Lord Kitchener's classic "Mama Dis is mas", which I think was the best..For the most part, this is also the arrangement played by Desperadoes that year.From the 1965 Esso promotional album "Tiger Goes Calypso".

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  • A Great Classic

  • thanks for the memories glenroy,u r right,seams like u know bev. from back in the day . i do 2.a good friend from the early 60's

  • i get a chance to see Clarence in New york on regular basis, so this good....thks,,,,,,

  • 1965 was the first year I played mas and Oh Boy  That was Mas.

  • Good Carnival, remember it well/19 65

  • I like the Hylanders version, but for many years the Beverly Griffith arrangement played by Despers was the one that was stuck in my head.

  • In my eyes, the best mama dis is mas, is by Hylanders.

  • In my eyes that year Despers won and let me tell you I'm not bias.

    If any one has the steelband version upload it now

    Randi Curvan

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