Cleve Black was an olympic cyclist panman and firecracker a real 'Trini to the bone' I remember the impact he had in my life when I first moved to Los Angeles from Micjhigan, he was always there for me in a family way, I still laugh whenever I think of him,what a sense of humor, my favourite was him calling himself Cleve 'Greenidge' after making a sweet run on the pan, emulating the gifted Robert Greenidge, whom he thought was God on a pan.Thank you for the loving memories and gifts you shared in your most unique way my hero on this 4th of July 2014 ..Carlos says you're finished, so I told him as you would have "Boy yuh in quicksand! yuh stuck and yuh can't get out.."
Cleve Black was an olympic cyclist panman and firecracker a real 'Trini to the bone' I remember the impact he had in my life when I first moved to Los Angeles from Micjhigan, he was always there for me in a family way, I still laugh whenever I think of him,what a sense of humor, my favourite was him calling himself Cleve 'Greenidge' after making a sweet run on the pan, emulating the gifted Robert Greenidge, whom he thought was God on a pan.Thank you for the loving memories and gifts you shared in your most unique way my hero on this 4th of July 2014 ..Carlos says you're finished, so I told him as you would have "Boy yuh in quicksand! yuh stuck and yuh can't get out.."