Clifford Alexis - UpClose - A WST Exclusive Interview - 1964 Trinidad & Tobago National Steelband

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Global - In 1964 twenty-two members of the Trinidad and Tobago National Steelband toured the United States and created steelpan music history. Among the virtual who’s who of outstanding panists who were picked for the tour was noted NIU (Northern Illinois University) tuner, steelpan instrument builder and program director Clifford Alexis. In this exclusive interview with When Steel Talks - Clifford Alexis shares his thoughts and memories on this historic undertaking, the 1964 Trinidad and Tobago National Steelband and more.

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  • Very good interview Cliff, however, I am a little bit disappointed in that somehow North steelbands men like yourself always seem to forget about South steelband men intentionally or un- intentionally.

    In naming the arrangers of the National Band, you forgot that both Lennox Bobby Mohomed  and myself were also arrangers in the band, also how could you forget that in the absence of George Goddard who could not make the trip that I was appointed as Manager of the band. I held the positions of player, one of the arrangers and manager for the trip. (note all the paper work in my hands in the posted picture)

    My duties included at all shows to introduce the players individually, to name the different types of pans that we were playing, to tell the audience a little bit about our country and to name the tunes ect, ect.

    By the way, somewhere in all of my stuff, I do have a copy of the first night that we played in Macinac Island. (the only one) As manager I was given a copy which was done on those big reels like movie tapes. I think they were called 8mm. I had it transferred to a cassett and i promised Ray Funk that I would try to find it. I have not been successful as yet but I will try again.I really did enjoy the trip down memory lane that you provided but I was very sad as I looked at the picture and noticed that many of the members are no longer with us.

    Keep up your fine work at the University

    Steve Regis   

  • A very interesting and informative interview.  Mr. Alexis, an indispensable voice in the development of pan in the USA, leads the way in giving credit, by name, to the organizers, other tuners and arrangers who were on the '64 tour.  Thanks Cliff, for shedding considerable light on that 'mystery' tour.

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