"Come What May" Mano Marcelin Orchestra.

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The Mano Marcelin Orchestra was one of the top dance bands of Trinidad and Tobago in the sixties and seventies.This beautiful slow dance number brings to mind the Trinidad dance halls of yesteryear.From the compilation album "Music Makers Extraordinaire" here is the Mano Marcelin Orchestra and "Come What may"

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  • Hi Glenroy:

    This is truly wonderful ballroom music. I am proud to say that I was a member of Mano Marcelin Orchestra in the early 1970s. I played the cowbell and timbales. We  were the first winners of Brassorama in Trinidad & Tobago.  I went on tour with the Band in 1972 to the USA where we were the guests of The PanAm Airports Mechanics Group. We played at The Statler Hilton in Boston, LaGemma Ballromm in Washington D.C, The Stanford High School in Connecticut and of course the Brooklyn Museum on the Saturdayor Sunday  before Labour Day. Of course we were on the road on Eastern Parkway for Labour Day. This is a compilation which is a must have in one's musical library.

    Keep up the excellent work which you are doing for WST/Pan Times Glenroy.


    How can I get my hands on a copy of this LP/CD?/


  • I have to personally congratulate Glenroy R Joseph for posting such beautiful music for the benefit and enjoyment of all WST members. He certainly has an ear and appreciation for fine music, whether it is pan or brass band originated. His uncanny ability to search out, find, and ultimately share his treasure-trove of musical 'discoveries', is phenomenal.

    Once again congratulations are in order for being such an exceptional and valuable contributor to the membership of WST.

  • Looking at that video takes me back to when the pan had to be tuned with fire and a sledge hammer to get that the notes (the sound) needed. Now they have a machine doing it. Lord thank you for progress. I don't think the youths can handle the old way. Thank You.
  • Thank Glenroy for sharing.
  • So beautiful, I had to share!

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