Count Robbin - Carnival Coming ( Pt 1 & Pt 2 )

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To all the my Carnival people in T&T enjoying the festivities, here is a blast from the past.Arranged by Art De Coteau, here is Count Robbin and "Carnival Coming".(1980).Have a nice, safe enjoyable carnival.

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  • Thank you for posting a LP version of this Classic Big Chune, from a time when music was created and played by musicians. BTW, Kalyan band played the best live version of this song. 

  • Nice Art was my arranger one for d road
  • Thanks Glenroy.   This is helping my nerves I cannot find anywhere to subscribe to see live coverage of panorama TOMORROW NIGHT.  I was trying to   subscribe to soca monarch thing as a trail run for tomorrow.  BUT no place that says is is giving live stream is working for me here in Florida.  Prayin' that tomorrow will be better.  At least WACK has been consistent...and we could hear...single pan, small bands . Grateful for that. 

    Glenroy ...Your submissions always are a have saved my evening and changed my mood.

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