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Cro cro is a true calypsonian in the tradition of the great ones of the genre, and this calypso is the best commentary on Trinis migrating to the US ever.A calypso classic, and as the old timers used to say in the tents, "Kaiso, maestro kaiso!"

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  • One of Cro Cro's best, and a personal favorite. According to Cro Cro , hard times is causing an exodus from sweet T&T.
    According to CroCro,
    "Ah feel by next year de only people left in dis land,
    Is dem set a tiefin' politician"

  • Talking about calypsos that made me stop, listen , nod my head , this one by Cro Cro is a great example from the fairly recent past.

    When I talk calypso, this is what I mean.

    "Kaiso, boy Kaiso"!


  • Thanks GlenRoy.

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