Dama Antonona by The Chase Manhattan Savoys Steel Orchestra.(Steelband Festival 1966)

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The T&T Steelband Music Festival of 1966 was a landmark in the development in the steelband art-form , and a significant milestone in the development of the steelpan as a versatile musical instrument .All of the finalists at that festival performed at their highest level , and another fine performance was that of the Chase Manhattan Savoys Steel Orchestra.Here they are as they performed "Dama Antonona" , as composed by Venezuelan composer Francisco de Paula Aguirre (October 20, 1875 – 1939) and arranged by Martin Albino , of the highly accomplished musical Albino family.

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  • Thanks for posting this Glenroy. I was just wondering where this festival took place. Was this the festival that was held at the Chaguaramas Seaplane Hanger? I remember attending a sell-out steelpan festival there as a child with friends in our "home clothes" because we lived nearby in Carenage, the nearest village to the Chaguaramas American base. 

  • Is this really true?
    Total visits to this post: 108
    Total likes: 0
    You mean to tell me nobody from the 108 ppl liked that 1966 Music Festival Classic??? eh!!!!
    Brenda H.
  • When pan music was appreciated. When classical music was appreciated, when jazz on pan was appreciated. Wey de hell pan gorn?.
  • Thanks," When Steel Talks" through your facilities, Mr. Glenroy.Joseph was able to revive this nostalgic selection " Dama Antonona" from the 1966 Steelband Music Festival, played by Chase Manhattan Savoys' . It brought back many pleasant memories.

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