Desperadoes - Band From Space

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2007 Steelband Panorama finals. Robert Greenidge Arranger

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  • Thanks Dr. Seuanrine for the kind compliment.


  • This Bredren Brother Franklin is a walking encyclopedia. This bredren would have made an excellent doctor, lawyer or professor easily. Guidance Dr. Lance Seunarine

  • The arrangers of this tune were, Andre Robley, Curtis Edwards and Robert Greenidge. Out of the 8 Steel Orchestras that qualified for this 2007 Panorama Finals, Desperadoes qualified for the last spot. This was the first time that the National Finals were held in San Fernando; it was also the first time that the winning band collected $1,000,000, and the last band was awarded $400,000. (The first prize in 2006 was 400,000). No Southern Steel Orchestras made the finals. Also, Mr. Lennox "Bobby Mohamed was not even acknowledged. What an oversight of the previous administration of Pan Trinbago. As per history, Mr. Mohamed was the most successful "Panorama" Arranger in the 1960's and his hometown is San Fernando. Two other esteemed Southern Gentlemen were acknowledged, but I think that Mr. Mohamed should have been mentioned also.

    Well, for some trivia, this was the 4th time that Desperadoes missed a 3rd place finish by 1/2 point. Do you know the previous three times.

  • I really love this!!

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