Desperadoes "Canadian Sunset " arr. by Beverly Griffith

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And now for something different...... From their 1966 album "Triple Crown Winners, the Desperadoes of the nineteen sixties.sweet.....sweet...sweet!!.

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  • Another sweet arrangement from Desperadoes fabulous "Triple Crown Winners " from 1966.

    This album is packed with great music , folks , including both the panorama winning tune "Melda" and the winning bomb  tune "Czardas"..

  • The only other steel orchestra to better this performance of the same tune was Morvant Ebonites, the arranger was Knolly Bobb.
  • Desperadoes is the finest steel orchestra in the world and with music like that is really a listening pleasure to the ear. I sit hear feeling like am floating in heaven what a great sound. This is truly the best thanks for putting this onr up Thank You.
  • someimes you foget how sweet despers realy were and still is
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