Desperadoes "Flight of the Bumble Bee" arr. by Beverly Griffith (1966)

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' Flight of the Bumble Bees" Arranged by Beverly Griffith is. another "Bomb" tune from the 1966 Desperadoes double album " Triple Crown Winners"This arrangement is typical of the style of arrangement used for bomb tunes in the 1960's, when the more difficult parts were modified for ease of repetitive playing on the road, especially by the less experienced "road side" players.It is still a sweet , well played, well arranged bomb tune, none the less.I should mention that "Flight of the Bumblebee" is an orchestral interlude written by Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov for his opera The Tale of Tsar Saltan, composed in 1899–1900.( from Wikipedia")

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  • ' Flight of the Bumble Bees" Arranged by Beverly Griffith is. another "Bomb" tune from the 1966 Desperadoes double album " Triple Crown Winners"

    This arrangement is typical of the style of arrangement used for bomb tunes in the 1960's, when the more difficult parts were modified for ease of repetitive playing on the road, especially by the less experienced "road side" players.

    It is still a sweet , well played, well arranged bomb tune, none the less.

  • Desperadoes were the runner up to Highlanders"Every Valley shall be exalted" in the 1965 Bomb competition with this Beverly Griffith arrangement of"Flight of the Bumble Bee".

    This furthers my point about the popular Bomb tunes of the 1960's.

    This era was the heyday of the Bomb tune, when large, Panorama sized steelbands "dropped' their bombs on Independence Square in Port of Spain , and on Harris Promenade in San Fernando.

    And yes,Hollis Marcelle, Despers were still "Coco Cola Gay Desperadoes" in 65.


  • If i can remember correctly, when the band played this Bomb Tune in 1966 they were sponsored by Coca cola
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