Desperadoes "Sa Sa Yea"

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Panorama Finals 1969 Live in the Queen's Park Savannah

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  • What a pity we don't have "The Bull" by Starlift...I wasn't involved in Panorama just yet but I heard it once or twice in the radio over the years. If it beat "Sa Sa Yea" it had to be good.
  • For some reason, the winning performance by Starlift wasn't recorded. Thats too bad, I would have liked to hear it again.
  • Unfortunately, in '69 we didn't even have cassette recorders yet(8 tracks were still popular) ,and the VCR was at least ten years in the future.

    Panorama wasn't televised, we just had radio broadcasts.

    This is probably the only commercial panorama recording from that era.
  • @Ian Franklin: Starlift won the 1969 Panorama with the Bull. Cavaliers placed second with Mas in Brooklyn and Harmonites third with Bongo... Can't say what Despers placed...
  • Awesome arrangement and performance!!! This was year 7 of panorama and the musical creations were already at that high level
  • Sat-Nam....Sweet.Anybody got Starlift's Panorama 'Bull'?
  • Greetings to the Pan Fraternity,it is noteworthy, that some medium can reproduce the GEMS of the earlier time so the new enthusiasts can appreciate what went before and for most of us to reminisce and relive that era.I will be grateful to hear 1963 finals when all bands were in the same class.
  • Great music. Unfortunately not good enough to win. Starlift won that year with 'The Bull'. Cavaliers was second with ' Mas in Brooklyn and Harmonites third with 'Bongo'.
  • this pan music is great, post some more like that, love it
  • Thanks for the memories. What a wonderful arrangement. What I am really impressed by is the tempo at which this great Sparrow calypso was played! The players kept up that fast tempo throughout, accurately carrying the harmonies and modulations.
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