Desperadoes Steel Orchestra "Don't Leave Me This Way" (1977)

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The disco hit "Don't Leave Me this Way", written by Kenneth Gamble, Leon Huff, and Cary Gilbert, topped the charts both for the group Harold Melvin and The Blue Notes and for Thelma Houston, in the disco era of the late seventies.From the 1977album "The Best of Despers" , here is the Desperadoes version.The Album was produced by Clive Bradley and Rudolph Charles.

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  •  Ah partying and Ah dancing while ah doing meh daily house chores to this music. Great rendition. Guidance Dr. Lance

  • A bit different from what I recall. Is this the album with Brazil?

  • Disco in the hands of Desperadoes pannists!  "The Best..." Bradley & Charles!

  • Thanks for the info Ian,1981 version was a bit slower

  • Yes, this is the original recording which was later re-recorded in 1981 with over dubs by Robert G.

  • Glenroy have you posted more songs from this album? If so please list titles.Thanks

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