Desperadoes Steel Orchestra - The Bartered Bride (1992) conducted by Dr Pat Bishop
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Truly Classic in all sense of the word.
Yes! Desperadoes won 2 out of the 3 Categoies in 1992, and was their last year of entry into Classical Competition. They never won the "Best Tune of Choice Category" although they were the overall victors three consecutive times. I still hear talk about how Desperadoes could have won Pan Is Beautiful in 1986 and 1988, when they only won 1 out of the 3 Categories. Well that is simple; in 1986, 1988 and 1992 Desperadoes won the Test Piece Category by the widest of margins, and when the aggregate total of points for each category were tallied, for each Steel Orchestra, Desperadoes amassed the most points. I hope that Pan Trinbago and the Major Steel Orchestras will brainstorm, so the Classical Competition can continue. Panorama is the largest Pan Festival, but it is subjective. The music is the heartbeat of "some" in the Caribbean and a "few" in the outside World. But, Classical Music is know the World over, thus a larger audience.
We must pay respect and express our gratitude to those who made this possible.
Pat Bishop is one of those special individuals who took the time and effort to work with the steelbands, to set the standard, so that the steelbands could achieve the musical heights such as this Desperadoes performance.
Thank you, Dr Pat Bishop. Already we miss you.
May you Rest in Peace.
A true lost. May her soul rest in peace.
I knew you wanted me to post it for you, ODW.
No one knows this and its a secret between us , but I've borrowed from your video collection many times.
BTW, did you notice an error on the video credits? It listed Von Wilhelm Lutz as the composer, when he was one of many arrangers who performed this piece.
The credit actually belongs to the Czech composer Bedrich Smetana, to set the record straight.