Despers - El Relicario

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  • Ian. Thanks for the info . I do hope that we'll be able to meet soon .

  • Hello Steve,

                         We still have not hooked up (lol).

    No! "El Relicario" was not a Test Piece. The 1964 and 1966 Test Piece were written by our own local composers. Lennor Pierre, "Voice of the Panman", in 1964, and Insp. Anthony Prospect "Intermezzo in E Flat", in 1966.

    We will hook soon.

  • Ian I remember playing this piece but I'm thinking it was as a Test Piece for one the Pan Festivals . Could you say if was ever a Test Piece ? Thanks .

  • First time I've heard the Despers version of "El Relicario". Wonderful arrangement and expressive playing. How do I get more music from this LP?



  • North Stars was the best Steel Orchestra in the 1960's.  They entered 5 competitions, won 4, and placed 2nd. I was looking forward to their entry at the 1967 Steel Orchestra Music Festival, but they did not participate. As you all know, Desperadoes did not qualify for the Music Festival in 1966, which was won by North Stars. Desperadoes won the 1967 Music Festival. Mr. Anthony Williams always spoke highly of Desperadoes. This 1981 recording of Desperadoes' "El Relicario" was arranged by the late Mr. Raymond "Artie" Shaw. 

  • I love both renditions of this tune by Despers and Pan Am Jet North Stars (Souvenirs in Steel).

    Thanks, ODW.

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