Dingolay - Metro Steel Orchestra -1992 - Clive Bradley

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Dingolay!! Shadow's "Dingolay" as arranged by the late, great Clive Bradley, is considered by many to be one of his great masterpieces.  The year is 1992, and Metro Steel Orchestra, under the musical guidance of Bradley, has won two consecutive New York panoramas.  And Bradley - now having the winning arrangement three out of the last five years - is laying down the prelude and beginning chapters of the future great panorama tales.  The musical feats that would lead to New York becoming known as "Bradley's Town," were in full effect.    In 1992 the New York panorama scene had become a fiercely competitive musical arena - indeed several of the world's greatest steelband music arrangers were now regular participants in the annual affair.  Going now for the hat trick, Bradley would pull out all stops in creating this classic.  "Dingolay" with Metro would garner this arranger his third win in a row (and so making four titles in the last six years).  Ironically, this would be Bradley's last title for a while, as he would leave the New York steelband scene for six years before returning with a vengeance.   This audio track of Dingolay is only a simple two-track recording made with a handheld recorder during a pan yard practice session.  While the audio quality is not that great, it does however allow listeners the opportunity to hear Bradley in his New York mode of operation, which was considerably different than his Trinidad approach.  In spite of the inability to discern most of the harmonic content and musical counter play, this arrangement is famous - for it is a good study for 'Bradleyites.'  Elements of the Big Band era, Rhythm and Blues, and Ragtime and Soul - in addition to classical Calypso movements and motifs - are woven seamlessly together to tell a story as only Clive Bradley has ever been able to.   Enjoy.

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  • lol

  • @Emily Lanxner - we strongly recommend that you avoid frustration by not listening or by going to another site. In addition, please don't tell your friends about this site. They too would only be frustrated.

  • I do not understand what could be irrational about posting a piece such as this without a voicetag - if it was a studio recording you were protecting for copyright purposes...maybe (?). Please educate me - what makes posting this as an uninterrupted piece "irrational"? And you do not have hundreds of other versions of Clive Bradley's "Dingolay" available to listen to...I need to hear DINGOLAY!! By the way, I am not particularly interested in listening much to anyone other than Clive Bradley, sorry to say - but that's the damn truth. They're all trying, but lets face it - he's the master.
    I do appreciate your insightful background text about the piece. So why add something dumb like voicetags every minute? I would totally share your site with all my friends were it not for this nasty nasty voice tag business we have to suffer through.

  • @panwoman59 - We would prefer to not have the voice tags also, but that would be simply be irrational based on our previous experiences. However, if you see no musical and historical value in the way this piece has been presented we strongly recommend that you not listen to it - instead you can listen to the hundreds of others pieces that we have captured and posted without voice tags.

  • I agree completely with Emily Lanxner. If you care about the music as much as you say you do, post these great recordings without ruining them every few seconds with the voice tag. Once at the beginning, once at the end ought to be enough - IF you really care about the music. 

  • @Emily Lanxner we found that not everyone has the good intentions you have.

  • I'm very thankful that you posted this on WST - its great to hear occasional uninterrupted stretches of this gorgeous and brilliant arrangement...this after so many years!! HOWEVER...do you really have to have the obnoxious voice overdub saying "When Steel Talks, Everybody Listens"???!!! That voice serves the purpose of making me really really pissed off! It does NOT make me want to listen!! That is a lie!!

  • The best , lives on !!
  • fond memories and great music of working with Clive from the days on Fulton St all the way to Clinton (Despers panyard) Me and my 2 cousins (Pedro & Eugene)were the stock double tenors in the band

  • Thank you for sharing this wonderful moment in time and keeping pan alive on the web.


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