Dunlop Tornadoes - (Super Blue) Blue Boy's"Lucy" arr. by Jit Samaroo(1984)

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Panorama 1984 Finals,Of the many versions of "Lucy" played that night, this Jit Samaroo arrangement of Blue Boy's hit calypso "Lucy" is certainly one of my favorites.

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  • Can anyone remember what position Dunlop Tornadoes placed in the 1984 Panorama Finals when they played Lucy by Blueboy? I am trying to remember if they were the highest placing of the many bands that played Blueboy's "Lucy" in the 1984 Panorama final. Also keeping in mind that Dunlop Tornadoes is Blueboy's home town band and he played tenor pan with them for 6 years between 1972 and 1978 before starting his career profesionally as a calypsonian in 1979/1980. Also Blueboy's 1981 calypso called "Unknown Steelband" was actually about his hometown band Dunlop Tornadoes.

  • thanks , do you have Trintoc Sun Valley in the 1982 finals
  • I was enjoying this piece of Jit's music today, and I just thought I should share it !
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