Eighteen on Steel.mp4

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SteelBand Jamboree held at the US Base in Chaguaramas , Trinidad in1962 . The Bands are Invaders , SunDowners and Naval Steel Orch.

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  • love from an all time Fan ... squish

  • Cool!

    Thank you very much.

  • Nice hearing from you. Steve Regis. I remember both of the bands you were associated with as top San Fernando bands back in the day.

  • Bede, you were asking who was the player using three sticks? That was me. My name is Steve Regis. I was the captain and music arranger of Texaco Sundowners in those days. The first person that I saw playing with three sticks was Earl Rodney and I immediately learned to do it. When Sundowners broke up in 1965, I took the Texaco Contract to West Stars, a group of kids in my area in San Fernando that was just starting out and I also became their arranger.

    As stated by Steve Carter Khan, I also led my band (Sundowners) to a 3rd place finish in the Music Festival and was narrowly edge out of first place by Pan North North Stars in the first ever Steel Band Panaroma held in Trinidad.

    In the early 60's when The Trinidad and Tobago National Band was formed, I was selected as a player and one of the three music arrangers along with Jonior Pouchet and Bobby Mohommed. When we toured the U.S. in 1963, I was appointed as Manager also as George Goddard (President of the Steelband Assoc.) was not able to make the trip. 

    I was also with the group for our trip to England, Scotland and Wales for the Commonwealth Arts Festival in 1965 and for Expo '67 in Montreal. I returned home after Expo but left Trinidad in 1968 to live in Montreal. I moved to Toronto in 1977 and presently still live in the Toronto area in Canada.

    Unfortunately, I do not active play any more but I do a lot of judging of pan and calypso competitions up here.

    Steve Regis.

  • Can someone post Desperadoes "Mama dis is Mas"?

    Of the three popular versions (North Stars, Hylanders), I like this Beverly Griffith arrangement best, but I don't have a copy.


  • Steve,

              As far as I can remember, only the verse and chorus was featured of Desperadoes' "Mama Dis Is Mas."

    It's the same recording that we here now.

  • This is the stuff of documentary film ...


  • Ian was this a full length Movie ? I do hope someone Post Despers playing "MaMa Dis Is Mas " for as I remember it was FANTASTIC .

  • Bede that's Steve Regis the Arranger who later on  arranged for Texaco West Stars . Sundowners came 3rd in the Pan Festival of 1960 with " Skaters Waltz " and 2nd in the first Panorama in1963 with " Harry and MaMa ". West Stars won the South Independence Festival in 1964 when Steve's Brother Raphael Passee ( Rayfee ) arranged and again in 1965 when Steve arranged .

  • FANTASTIC!PAN POWER! Thanks for sharing this.*It is Important to 'NOTE':-"1962",Ellie and others were 'non- violently' 'Training'/Teaching these Caucasian,US MILITARY Personnel in Sweet T&T...*Whilst Millions,Martin Luther King,Jr{NON-VIOLENCE ADVOCATE}Included...were Brutally Beaten/Bitten by Police Dogs/Water-Hosed/ Imprisoned/Denied Voting & Other "RIGHTS"...VICTIMS OF US "INSTITUTIONALIZED RACISM"!***Right here in OAKLAND...2011,VIOLENCE IS PERPETRATED AGAINST 'PEACEFUL PROTESTERS"!


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