Esquires Combo - Runaway

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By the mid 1960's , the guitar led combos had started to share the lead between the guitar and keyboards , as the electric organ became more popular in T&T.Ronnie Chan and the Esquires became one of the more popular groups in that era , as Ronnie gave up the guitar to bandmate Gordon Nathaniel , and focused instead on the electric organ, to create a sound typical of the popular bands of the day, when bands started sharing the lead between guitar and organ.In those days few bands featured vocalists, and the lead singer was a new , developing phenomenon with music bands in T&T.From circa 1965 , here is Ronnie Chan and the Esquires Combo , and their version of Dell Shannon's 1961 hit, "Runaway"...

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  • Electric Guitar and Organ, hmm... Electronics were quite popular with the advent of the combo era, ent...
  • I have posted Ansel Wyatt among many others, Kaiso.

    You can check out my YouTube page at :

  • Good memories Glen. Have you posted anything by Ansel Wyatt (spelling??)

  • Wow! Takes me back to my teenage days

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