Exerpts from "The Steel Bandits Play" featuring Jeff and Andy Narell

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There always seem to be some question about Andy Narell's credibility as a player and arranger of calypso music on pan.I consider myself an old time amateur pan player ( tenor base and cellos) , and this vintage album was made about the time I started playing.Don't know about anyone else , but this alone gives enough credibility to suit me.From an early recording by the Steel Bandits circa 1966, featuring a twelve year old Andy Narell, and his older brother Jeff.Andy was a true pan prodigy, and this album is a preview of this talented and gifted panist.Included are:1) Medley: Kitch's "Hold on to your man", Melody's "Mas"2) A Taste of Honey3) I Wish You Love4) MalaguenaCategory.

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  • Very Nice GRJ . These guys were tutored by Dr. Ellie Mannette and they made a Guest Appearance in the Semis of the 1966 SteelBand Music Festival at Queens Hall in Port Of Spain, Trinidad. I played in that festival so was privileged to hear them perform .  They were then called " The Grace Line Bandits Steel Orchestra " . Enjoyable .

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