exodus- Action (Pan Pun De Sand 2012)

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Barbados crop over 2012

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  • What an exhilarating performance!

  • Go Exodus Go!

  • I heard this tune played by a La Brea band at Panorama semis this year 2012 and I LOVED it!!  I couldn't understand why more bands didn't play this instead of 'following the leader" in using Destra's song or Boogsie's song or Pouchet's song.   Hearing this again now by Exodus only confirms my thoughts.  Steelbands have to get out of using their own songs (i.e. their own egos) and get back to playing popular soca songs that will get the people back to loving steelband music.  Especially now as the soca tunes are slowing down and are more musical now.  Action, Bachannalist, Vibes cyar done,.... all great songs that could have been used by the steelbands.  Get out of this dumb 'use your own composition' stupidness!  It's time to come back to the people.

  • sorry I could not be there..this brought memories of my playing pan back in the sixties..great times..Exodus sounding TERRIFIC

    Thanks for sharing


  • A high energy, fantastic performance of the night.

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