Fire In Babylon-BBC Documentary (2010)

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This amazing documentary tells the story of the victorious West Indian cricket teams from the mid 1970s to the 1990s , to a rousing reggae soundtrack.It has all the politics , intrigue and action of "Windies" cricket when the West Indians were the best in the world.It tell the story of the cricket , the players and the circumstances of the era , and how they were affected by it.This is a must see for West Indians, cricket fans, and everyone who loves a great sport story.I've seen it several times, and I'm very glad that someone posted it in it's entirety.Check it out, Take my word, you'd love t!

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  • GRJ Boy I would make every current West Indian cricketer today watch this every day until they retired from the game.

    The present day players do not have this common ideology.

    The current members of the WICB must also be made to forget their political mind set and reconnect with this ethos.


    Great Documentary.







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