FONCLAIRE- "Pan by Storm" -Panorama Finals 1990

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Fonclaire's Pan by Storm (Panorama 1990) could probably be the best Panorama performance that did not win the competition.This was a flawless performance of a magnificent composition and arrangement by Ken "Professor" Philmore.There is a brief break in the performance at 2:20 (for tape change), but fortunately it does not diminish the excitement and power of the performance.This memorable Panorama performance has been immortalized in calypso both by the great Lord Kitchener in "Pan Dingolay ", and this year by DeFosto in "The Raging Storm".The Power of Pan Music indeed!

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  •  a treasure forever

  • By far Pan by Storm is the best panorama tune EVER. According to the Professor ... I is it because he was from The South That he was not given the VICTORY? It continues to be the most played tune ever.

  • a true winner on the day, they even came into the finals in 1st place; in my opinion another winner was pan in a minor by renegades in 1987
  • sad to say when you mix business with fun and sweetness of pan no love again


  • True Anthony. I was just checking the videot out again.

    Too bad about the break. it interrupts the flow.

    However, the audio is available on you tube if you don't have it.

    (if you're a real fan you should.)

  • A panorama winner up to this day I must say...
  • Beautiful!!!
  • right up on top with the best
  • I don't really care what anyone say this arrangement won
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