Fonclaire Steel Orchestra - The Mighty Duke's "Carnival" ( Dimanche Gras 1971)

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For those who wonder what I mean by the south band sound of the sixties and seventies, here is a classic example.This is Fonclaire Steel Orchestra and The Mighty Duke's "Carnival", performed at Dimanche Gras 1971.

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  • I like what Mr Edgar C Wilson said,"In an attempt to follow the leader/trendsetter, Guiness Cavaliers.

  • A large part of the arrangement is missing.

  • Truly one of the classics in the age of sweet pan.  If I am not mistaken, this arrangement won the people's choice that year.

  • This was also from National Geographic

  • This is also from 1971 , Sidd. Do you think it was also sped up ?

  • As a prelude to Panorama I was listening to this piece of vintage south pan.

    It brings back all the excitement of pan from an earlier time, and still stirs the blood , even after all these years.

  • Edcwilson, long as I live i could never forget "The Wrecker" on the drag in "68.
    And the band was so big under their canopies, with that powerful bass section,it seemed like they filled the whole width of the race track!
  • Yeah! case in point with a town band.....Solo harmonites bending the corner on the bulltrack in 1968 playing "the wrecker". You cannot see the panmen, only the tarpaulin-covered pan racks.... and all you are hearing is the powerful basses as they surround the band. When I bass evermore... and 30-odd tenors in an attempt to follow the leader/trendsetter i.e. Guinness Cavaliers, and at the same time upstage them...WOW!   ah getting goose bumps... so--new sound,powerful sound, good sound, tuner is Allan Gervais, arranger is Earl Rodney, and SOLO get on bad and beat everybody, leaving all town bands including the great Desperadoes with their mouths open can trust me on that. Pax ET Amor in pan my respected enthusiast.
  • I think the difference was the rhythm, and how the south arrangers used the Bass.

    This was before all the bands started sounding alike, to capture what they thought the panorama judges wanted to hear
  • hey Glenroy...Solo band sound with south trinidad arranger and tuners.....peculiar eh!
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