For ths "Old timers" on the forum -Mighty Shadow - "Scratch Meh Back"

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This one is a dedication for our birthday boy Cecil.It is also dedicated to all the old timers on the forum like Ian, Bertel and others and especially for Bede.The Mighty Shadow is one of our al time best, and a legend in his own right.Here, at Calypso Fiesta 2000, he expresses the tribulations caused by the aging process.The old people used to say, "Youth is wasted on the young"Now I understand what they meant :)"Ah want Viagra, gimme Viagra,When yuh get de Viagra, yuh sitdown in a corner.Looking tired and sleepy,Old age have no remedy".Enjoy, "old fellers".............

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  • Hey Cecil , old age is good my friend we mature so much , I remember the very first time I heard Shadow he couldn't sing in time , the music was going one way and he was going another , so you see how growing old matured him , he is now singing in time perfectly . Happy 51st Anniversary Trinidad and Tobago . May God heal our birthplace . Blessings . Winston.
  • Cecil and Glenroy, dar Viagra go kill allyur Oui, Use MOJO RISEN with ah Young Gyrl . No disrespect to the Old Women, but stay away from them old women, you already Old,  way u doing with another Old Gurl next to you, Enjoy your 65 Birthday CECIL, this is your week. 


  • You guys help make my birthday beautiful, thanks much.

  • Thanks Glenroy, I think ah hear Bede say the remedy for old age is ah young gyrl and ah mega size bottle of them little blue pills.

  • Good one Glenroy!

  • One of my faves!!!  Old Age Have No Remedy!!!

  • My birthday present, Cecil. Hope you enjoyed your day!

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