Third World's "Gold" 1977 Panorama Prelims on the "drag"

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We are indeed very fortunate to have a collection of past panorama performances live from the :drag" , posted on YouTube by our friend Clive Seebaran.Thank you , CliveYour contributions are most appreciated.Listening to these performances, especially this one , you can feel the energy of the drag at prelims and appreciate what panorama was, and should be, all about.In this video , the music is not very clear , but that is ok; you can hear Third World's sparkling panorama performance of Maestro's "Gold" elsewhere.Instead , what you get is a sampling of the energy of the panorama crowd as it was back in the days when bands played popular music that was not overly (classically) arranged, but featuring verse and chorus arranged in a style that encouraged audience participation , even in a sing along.The predominance of unfamiliar , heavily arranged "pan tunes" at today's panorama is just one more action that adds separation between steelbands and their fan base.Which may be one of the reasons why some bands are looking back in time for their panorama selections, when the music was more , shall we say , "fan friendly".

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  • Whoever got this recording got a gem.  Thanks for putting on WST.......I would also like to hear Maestro "Fiery" if you got it, although we did not make the finals, it was also a gem.........that was 1976, Gold was 1977.

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