Greig's Panam North Stars

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The Dragon met the Butterfly at Fatima College auditorium to test the collaboration without a conductor. We were advised to tone down ( not to swallow the butterfly). Somebody got pissed off when I suggested to the boys to play normal at Woodford Square for the crowd. The volume of the piano could always be adjusted. We were very proficient at playing without a conductor and blending a performance with the available acoustics. - Clive Seebaran

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  • Is anyone on this site, (perhaps former members of Pan Am Jet North Stars), familiar with the LP pictured below?

    I am told that it was recorded during one of their tours to Argentina with their sponsor. I have not seen another

    LP (or cassette) featuring this music. I will soon post a few tracks. 

  • Well done my friend... thanks for sharing.

  • Thank you Bro. Clive Seebaran, for sharing this beautiful piece with us. Even though it was in the preliminary stages toward being finished, it still was masterfully done; particularly since there was not a conductor involved!

  • The beauty of this dragon is its peacock wings!  Stunning is the word!

  • 2959983143?profile=RESIZE_1024x10242959983401?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024@ Clive Seebaran  Thanks for sharing this beautiful recording the practice session by the two musical giants---

    Winifred Atwell & Pan Am Jet North Stars. Are you familiar with the attached promotional LP of Pan Am Jet North Stars' recording in Argentina by DISC JOCKEY?

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