Hatters Steel Orchestra - All Night Long - Tribute to Excellence Concert (1999)

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100 strong for this special Tribute to Excellence show; Hatters playing their 'competition' tune, All Night Long (arr Richard Gittins & Steve Achaiba).I love this arrangement of "All Night Long". It is featured on the Album "Steelband Excellence"

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  • i have a great pannist from the era of 1957 to 1967, residing in the chicago, illinois area. his name is Lennon Romain, and still plays double tenor with our small combo group. after listening to the great steelbands of 1957 era, the songs remind me of what Lennon Romain has arranged in our group with those songs. how can i get you to video tape some of his recordings.?
  • Sounds are like a "Tradewind of Caribbean"in fact! Smashing enjoyment..............How about nowadays?!
  • 1975 - They came, they saw, they conquered...... THE MIGHTY HATTERS.           The big name bands did not show up.
  • Listen to those guitar pans!

    That's the classic guitar pan sound that Kitchener sang about

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