Interview with The Grand Master, Lord Kitchener

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The Late Grand Master was interviewed on TTT's Showcase in 1992.He discussed his life in calypso and his association with the steelband

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  • Thank you for this addition!!

    Killer Kitch de best. Voom Voom music sweet for so!

  • The interviewer is noted Trinidad radio and television commentator Mr Alvin Daniel, and the interview is  from a TV show he hosted called "Calypso Showcase" in 1992.

    Mr Daniel is also a calypso composer and producer, and is very active in the so called "pan calypso"genre.

    All in all, he is an outstanding contributor to, and promoter of the culture of Trinidad and Tobago.



  • Wonderful memories! Kitchener forever. Trinidad's Beethoven
  • Very interesting interview. What is the name of the interviewer?
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