Its Showtime - Neal & Massy Trinidad All Stars Panorama Preliminary 2011

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  • Thank you All Stars...I grew up watching you from the North Stand as a child, in awe of your style, your swagger, your 'showtime'; you were the only band that ever made me want to play with and be a part of. I jumped and pranced when you gave me 'doh back back', and 'curry tabanca'. I cried when you lost 'soucouyant' by 1 point and I cried again when you won by 1 point with 'the hammer'. I became sad when there was a split in 88, but I rallied with you though the depths of 'best of the rest' and was there on stage for your triumphant return with 'dus in dey face', the greatest comeback story ever in the history of panorama. I joined you determined to make it and I did. I have thoroughly enjoyed being a part of the greatest 'showtime' the pan world has ever know. God Bless, you, thanks to you for setting and raising standards, for inspiring all competitors to raise their game, and for making panorama the spectacle that it is.  Keep on reaching for the Stars..All Stars forever, love ya!!
  • all stars you all are the greatest i have been playing with you all since 1965  sailor

    keep up yhe good works love you all

                                                       donna  from brooklyn

  • Thanks Cathy....I did, but would've played for free! ;)
  • One love. The true winners- -Exodus.
  • Wow congrats joel, I didn't kno, I hope you get paid well
  • Sue & Cathy.....As I said before those comments were NOT made by me!

    You are entitled to your opinions as am I, My opinion is that you're BOTH over-reacting......Excuse my late response, but I was busy playing with the first $2million dollar band!

  • The Panorama Champ 2011.
  • This is a winning arrangement and performance. I think thwy will be 2011 Panorama champions. Silver Stars going down.
  • This  is the best playing steel band in Trinidad!!!!!!!!

  • This is really good... antics and all.  But Sue, I understand your point. 


    For people like "myself" that just have a simple appreciation and love for our culture... negative is not necessary.  I don't necessarily need to see the flair to appreciate the great sound of steel.  It raises my pores and my love for my country renews again and again.  NO BRASS or SOCA band can even get around the corner from this... much less close.


    Thank you Steel Talk and to my friend Ozzie for "re" introducing me to pan...  respect.

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