Its Showtime - Trinidad All Stars Semi final Performance 2011

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Panorama 2011 Semi final performance of 'Its Showtime' by the Neal & Massy Trinidad All Stars Steel Orchestra

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  • Allstars is hot ...anything can happen.....
  • DJ I have to agree with you and Hollis the sound quality in the prelims is far superior to this TV broadcast...I guess it may take years before they in T&T catch up with the digital age in TV broadcasting.
  • Thanks for this. Any chance you can post some of the other bands? Or let people know where they might be able to see the performance?
  • NO comment on the  Referees   "oops"    Judges   decision

     ALL STARS yuh right up there with the Stars in the sky


  • I heard them on the drag yesterday all I can say is 3rd hmmmmmmm ok
  • Thanks for the info., this has to be the reason the sound was very different, because when i heard and viewed the performance in the yard i thought this is the band to beat
  • @Hollis, I hope you are taking into account the very different ways that the prelim and semi recordings were made. The prelims video was recorded using a High Definition camcorder in Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround Sound audio. The Semi recording is a lower resolution rip of the TV broadcast in mono (1 channel) audio. The quality of the prelim recording is a lot better than the semi
  • I found that All Stars sounded better in the prelims
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