J'ouvert Morning steelband parade -1971

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Allyuh , check out this piece of J'ouvert morning pan from 1971.(especially on a good sound system).Unfortunately it's just a sample , but it sweet too bad.Allyuh think you'll hear anything sweeter than dat on de road today ?I doubt it.So doh tell me how far pan come because of some over arranged panorama tunesThat was over 45 years ago , folks!.And btw , can allyuh identify the bands and the tunes ?I'll give one hint : Solo

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  • Where can I obtain a copy of these great renditions

  • The days when pan was actually on the streets. Nothing sweeter. Maybe Brooklyn is the only place where you can find it today.

  • Sweet pan Mr Joseph.  I from South too and I know what you are talking about.  In those days there were whole bands on the road and the rhythm and strum were very rich.

  • Gentlemen , my take on the tempo is this. There's no point in speeding up that tempo. it is obvious that bands didn't maintain that speed on J'ouvert morning.

    But may I remind you all that back then there were bomb competitions and best pan competitions on the road? These were done at stand still , and bands would play their panorama tune or bomb tune as was the case. They would have been competing with each other , and given it their best shot.(there were no noisy djs around)

    Most likely that's where the recording was made , and edited to fit the 6!/2 minute track on the record album.

    And in 1971 bands came on the road with full force  since everyone wanted to "beat pan" at j'ouvert back then.

    nd all these bands had massive engine room floats anchored by drummers.

    And , may I also remind you all that this was 1971 , years after a young , possibly nervous Lennox "Bobby" Mohammed accidentally (as I was told ) called too fast a tempo on Panorama Finals night and changed the tempo of (competitive ) pan music for ever. 

  • Correction/addition to my previous post, we AMBOYS form Belmont Played this piece 1970 j

    J'ouvert  by DVORAK pronounced d vo jak

    Symphony   No. 9 in E minor, Opus 95

  • We AMBOYS from Belmont played this Dvorak piece in 1970 Jouvert bomb Competion, 4:18 on this Frederick St P.O.S.

  • Someone spoiled it by speeding it up so fast. It was not played that fast especially on the road.

  • someone sped it up electronically. can be easily done now. I do it all the time in my bedroom studio to try out different speed. Someone did it recently on the Dis I 4 Raf arrangement by Andy Narell.

  • That was never never never the J'ouvert morning road tempo. Highly impossible. That tempo is as fast as the electronic djs and bands now. if you know music you can tell its over 120

  • Tempo too fast for Jour'vert. I remember Bomb competition, and pushing pan in that, wasn't so fast.  Good memories though.

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