Japan's Kobe Steelpan Carnival 2011

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Japan's Kobe Steelpan Carnival 2011

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  • The seeds sown by Renegades musicians over the last two decades have and continue to produce good fruit. The Japanese are very gracious people reflected by their sincere appreciation for and clear recognition of our national instrument and music. I respect them highly.

    Our Carribbean neighbours should not only be encouraged to "take a page out of" but rather make a study of the Japanese manual of good manners.

  • Felicitations! To Japan &All-Steel-Pan Happening-Team.Good job
  • I thought for a moment that this event was in Trinidad.  Nice to see a people of a completely different culture embrace the pan and also calypso. Great stuff!
  • To all the people who embrace our culture in Japan congratulations are in order. Thanks for waving our National Flag and playing our National Instrument so sweetly, We love you and keep Pan Alive.
  • How come they are waving those big Tri Flags LOL
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